Panel discussion with the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and USPTO Director to discuss the university-government relationship in the innovation economy.
Read StoryDanielle Grey-Stewart and Ghadah Alshalan will begin postgraduate studies at Oxford University next fall.
Read StoryWith her students, aerospace engineer Kerri Cahoy is developing small, affordable “CubeSats” to monitor weather and search for exoplanets.
Read StoryMIT postdoc finds the angle at which we view neutron star collisions could significantly impact age measurements.
Read StoryDuring her time at MIT, senior Ayesha Ng’s interests have expanded from cellular biology to the social systems that shape public health.
Read StoryGov. Charlie Baker's latest nominee to the Supreme Judicial Court is an Appeals Court judge with a background in intellectual property litigation who built a robot while studying engineering at MIT.
Read StoryIt's not all bad news. Millennials & Gen Z are aligned on multiple social issues. So multiple decades of social progress ahead, boding well for female entrepreneurialism.
Read StoryAn interactive timeline chronicling women’s history at MIT, starting in 1870 with the admission, as an “experimental student,” of one Ellen Henrietta Swallow.
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