Be a part of the celebration! There are so many ways to support #WEMatMIT, from joining the social media campaign to submitting a video—help us tell the stories of MIT’s entrepreneurial women!
Get involved:
Spread the word, submit a video,
host an event, or do it all!
Social Media
Link to the site:
Use the hashtags when posting to social media:
Submit a Video
We want your stories! We’ll be hosting videos of MIT’s Women Entrepreneurs
here on the site and on social media.
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This video can be:
You telling your story of your journey of entrepreneurship at MIT
You interviewing a colleague about her journey
Any other creative way of explaining to the world your experience in entrepreneurship & innovation at MIT
There are a few guidelines to follow:
Introduce yourself (and any others in the video) by first and last name.
Tell us your “title” or “who you are, what you do”.
Please try to mention “Women’s Entrepreneurship Month at MIT”.
WISDM Members: mention that you’re a member!
Landscape mode is preferred.
Videos should be no longer than 2 minutes.
Videos may not use any inappropriate language or images, and must be appropriate for all ages.
You must submit videos via the official submission form to the left and agree to media release.
MIT Innovation Initiative will review all videos for content as quickly as possible, caption, upload videos to YouTube, and share via this site and social media. |
If you have any questions or ideas, contact David Sweeney at